V A T S L A V   N E V I N


The stage of the Paris Opera, 1905

......... A C T  O N E – P A R I S  1 8 6 1

S C E N E  I – The dress rehearsal of "Hannibal"
Think of me

S C E N E  I I – After the Gala
Angel of Music

S C E N E  I I I – Christine's dressing room
Little Lotte… / The Mirror… / (Angel of Music)

S C E N E  I V – The labyrinth underground
The Phantom of the Opera [music pattern + video]

S C E N E  V – Beyond the lake
The Music of the Night [video]

S C E N E  V I – The next morning
I Remember … / Stranger Than You Dremt It

S C E N E  V I I – Backstage
Magical Lasso

S C E N E  V I I I – The managers' office
Notes… / Prima Donna

S C E N E  I X – A performance of "Il Muto"
Poor Fool, He Makes Me Laugh

S C E N E  X – The roof of the opera house
Why Have You Brought Me Here… / Raoul, I've Been There… /
All, I Ask of You… /
All, I Ask of You (Reprise)
A C T  T W O – S I X  M O N T H S  L A T E R

S C E N E  I – The staircase of the opera house,
New Year's Eve
 Masquerade… / Why So Silent

S C E N E  I I – Backstage
Raoul and Giry

S C E N E  I I I – The manager's office
Notes… / Twisted Every Way

S C E N E  I V – A rehearsal for "Don Juan Triumphant"
Christine, Piangi, Reyer, Carlotta, Giry and Company

S C E N E  V – A graveyard in Perros
Wishing You Were Somehow Here Again… / Wandering Child…

S C E N E  V I – Before the premiere
Raoul, Andre, Firmin, Firemen, Marksman and Phantom

S C E N E  V I I – "Don Juan Triumphant"
The Point of No Return

S C E N E  V I I I – The labyrinth underground
Down Once More… / Track Down This Murderer

S C E N E  I X – Beyond the lake
Christine, Phantom, Raoul and Company

(The full libretto, including spoken
dialogues and the sequences that have been cut
from audio recordings, is contained
in this translation)

switch to russian

Помилостивей к слабостям пера – их сгладить постарается игра!
The which if you with patient ears attend, what here shall miss, our toil shall strive to mend!

This web-site is designed for informational purpose only! The translation is not authorised by "The Really Useful Group" or any other company connected with works of Andrew Lloyd Webber,
and is only a representation of a private non-commercial look at the subject! All rights for original lyrics reserved. International copyright secured.
Any commercial use of both the original version and/or the translation without an official permission of companies mentioned above prohibited!

Сайт разработан исключительно в информационных целях! Перевод не авторизован компанией "The Really Useful Group", или какой-либо другой компанией имеющей отношение
к работам Э. Л. Уэббера, и лишь представляет частный, некоммерческий взгляд на предмет! Все права на оригинальный текст либретто, включая международные, защищены!
Любое коммерческое использование оригинала и/или перевода без официального разрешения выше упомянутых компаний запрещено!

Материалы использованные в процессе работы над переводом:
Original London Cast Recording & Lyrics published by
The Really Useful Group P.L.C.
- 1987 -

Rambler's Top100

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